This paper analyzes the time-scaled network plan applied to confirm critical path, gain time factors, control network plan and so on. 就时标网络计划在工程中如何确定关键线路、分析工作时间参数、进行网络计划的控制等进行阐述。
This paper studied the computing problem of time parameter and key path of the schedule control of network planning techonology in management of engineering building item. 研究了在应用网络计划技术对工程建设项目的进度控制管理中时间参数与关键路径的计算问题。
This paper analyzes the optimal path of Dual ring network MAC control protocol and presents a new control mode. Then, it studies the working method of self healing network when network malfunctions in this new control mode. 在对双环网络最优路径的MAC协议控制方式的研究中,提出了一种新的控制方法,并进行了分析,同时对各种自愈环网的工作过程进行了讨论。
Measuring available bandwidth on an end-to-end path is important to QoS management, traffic engineering, congestion control, optimizing network routing and improving end-to-end transport performance. 测量端到端路径的有效带宽对于QoS管理,流量工程,拥塞控制,优化网络路由以及改善端到端的传输性能都有重要意义。
Finding an Executable Path in the Control Graph in the Network Protocol Testing 在网络协议软件测试的控制图中寻找一条可执行的路径
At present, people concentrate mainly on the study on teleoperation technology of robot based on internet, it includes path planning algorithm, intelligent control strategy, network data communication, random network delay-time, etc. 目前,对基于Internet的机器人遥操作技术的研究,主要集中于机器人轨迹规划算法研究、智能控制策略研究、网络数据通讯研究、解决随机时延问题的研究等方面。
By combining the feedback navigation information with the current navigation information and the previewing navigation information, design the serial navigation path state BP network and guidance control parameters BP network, which achieves the pesticide spraying robot navigation parameters acquisition based on closed-loop control strategy. 将反馈导航信息、当前导航信息与预视导航信息相结合,设计了串行的导航路径状态BP网络和导航参数BP网络,基于闭环控制策略实现了导航参数的获取。
In this paper, some path tracking control algorithms are introduced simply. We proposed simple adaptive fuzzy-neural network controller to control the path tracking of AGV. This controller has a learning signal trigger which controls the process of adaptive on-line tune the parameters of network. 论文综合介绍几种路径跟踪控制算法,并设计一种结构简单的自适应模糊神经网络控制器,自适应控制器通过一个学习信号触发器,可以在线学习自适应调整参数,使自身具有良好的自适应控制效果。
In urban traffic management, a road network is divided into several traffic areas by a path or a tree to practice traffic control, known as network zoning. 路网分区是指交管部门根据路网结构和交通流特性,用路径或树将城市道路网络划分为若干个交通区域,实行分区管理。
This thesis focuses on the overlay network organization model of application relay and the research of path selection algorithm, for supporting multipath transmission control. Nowaday, in the overlay network organization of application relay, there is no impacted model on the research. 本文围绕应用中继节点的重叠网络组织模型和相关路径选择算法问题展开研究,这方面的研究成果主要是为多径传输控制提供支撑。